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The programming in the robot allows it to solve problems and learn. It is able to sense signals around it and use them to logically find a solution to find the treasure. Due to this, we have come to the conclusion that the robot has intelligence, due to its ability to learn and solve problems. On the other hand, we do not believe that our robot is conscious. Although able to sense when it is not aligned properly, and receive signals when a threat is around it, the programming in the robot is not advanced enough to be able to recognized its own existence. If it can not recognized that, then it cannot have consciousness. This leads to the question of does the robot have a mind? The answer to that is complicated, since the robot has intelligence but not consciousness. We believe that intelligence weighs more for determining if something or someone has a mind, since many people and animals do not contemplate their existence, but they still considered to have minds. For that reason we believe our robot has a mind. 
AI is used in many fields in the modern world such as Watson and Deep Blue. Today AI can be created using a simple Lego robot kit. It is becoming increasingly easy to make AI due to an advance in technology and computer science. However it will probably still be a while before we get an AI that will behave exactly like a human would. This is caused  due to technology not being advanced enough to allow such a program onto it, and a lack of understanding in neuroscience. Many aspects of neuroscience is still misunderstood today, and it would be hard to program a robot that behaves like a person when there are aspects of ourselves we do not understand.

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